Monday, December 6, 2010

Live For Nothing Or Die For Something

I will be thin even if it kills me.
"Live for nothing or die for something" said by that Rocky actor from the movie the expendables,
I watch that today with my boyfriend.
I was a little happy todayI lost another two pounds, But today was my days birthday
and he had Charlie stay over for dinner, So that made it impossible to get out of dinner.
So I had to eat pizza, Luckley no one was paying that much attention to me so all I ate was
one piece and the smallest piece at that.
Now I have to exorsice like a crazy women tonight.
I am dropping these nasty pounds quick but not quick enough.
I really need to find something that will get rid of these stretch marks of my belly!
For such a small baby she really stretched me out to the max!!!
Well I'm off, I just felt like doing a little blog before I go workout..


  1. oh i know how it is with the stretch marks i loathe them. i saw a youtube vid once where y=this woman said that she got rid of her stretchmarks over a six month period by using shea butter and olive oil...i haven't found shea butter here so i don't know if it works

  2. i have stretch marks from hell too :(
    im gonna try bio oil soon, i've heard some good things about it :)

    and i love that quote, i may use it later on [if you don't mind].

  3. I'll have to try those.
    I love that quote too.
    Have at it, use it up! lol :)
